Program Ideas
Track Team Run Sessions
People, groups, and teams are running everyday on their own, why not have them run with your rescue animals? Reach out to local run clubs and cross country teams to ask if they would be interested in the program. Look for 5K’s happening soon and ask if they’d like to pair up! The program could run twice daily, once in the morning, or sporadically when the runners have time. Dogs will need to be chosen for the program who have leash manners and the energy for a run. Make sure to provide the runners with water for the dogs and instructions on how to get into the rescue and where to find supplies.
Dog Day Out
Finding forever homes for animals can be challenging, but shelters are finding a new way to offer short term outings through Dogs Day Out Programs (DDOP). The programs outings can last a couple hours to overnight. Because DDOP is not a permanent adoption or as intensive as fostering, a variety of people sign up to help. This allows people who don't have the time for a full time pet or are unable to commit to fostering to still help the shelter and spend time with a furry companion. Many shelters that offer the program agree that it has great benefits for both humans and canines alike.
Find more information on DDOP on our blog post on the same topic.
Reading with Rescues
Help literacy rates and socialize shelter pets at the same time. This program would pair with local elementary schools, middle schools, day cares, or after school programs. Children would visit the rescue and read to pre approved pets. This would help children with their reading skills and public speaking while allo