Event Ideas
Step up your Rescues Event Game with these ideas
Steps to a Great Event
Event Ideas
See below for various event ideas for Rescues and Shelters to use to raise money and get their animals adopted. Each Event Idea has a corresponding flier that is free to download and customize.
Things to Think about When Planning an Event
Use this section to help you remember the various time and steps it takes to carry out a successful and smooth running event
Ramp Up Efforts
In this stage of your event, you’ll need to start making moves. Take the time to find sponsors. Find an event space and layout the event space. Publish a call for vendors. Rescues should book venues and vendors 8-12 months ahead of time, depending on the size of the event. Fund raise for the event. Decide what equipment you will need and figure out how to obtain, rent, buy or borrow these things. Make checklist for week of. Train volunteers and delegate sections and work.
Shout about your Event
At this stage you’ll want to start telling people about your event! Make sure you have the date, time, and location set before you start sharing. Post to your social media, let your donors know about event, post fliers at your Rescue. Make sure to encourage your vendors and donors to publicize the event as well. Reach out to local media.
Week of Event
The last week before your event you will want to tie up all the loose ends and gather items needed. Verify vendors and send them the information they will need to set up. Choose which animals will be attending and gather their coordinating information. Remind volunteers who have signed up to help and let them know important details like where to park and what to wear.
After the Event
After the event is over, take a deep breath and then have a sit down with main event coordinators. Discuss what went great and what could be better. Calculate final costs and profits. Send thank yous to the appropriate people and businesses. Gather photos from the event for your record and post some on your social media.